Approval: | JMAFF |
IUPAC name: | zinc ammoniate ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) - poly(ethylenethiuram disulfide) |
CAS name: | metiram |
CAS Reg. No.: | 9006-42-2 |
Formula: | |
Activity: | fungicides (alkylenebis(dithiocarbamate); zinc compound) |
Notes: | There is no ISO common name for this substance because it appears to be a mixture; the name “metiram” is approved by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The name “metiram” (代森联) is also approved in China, but is incorrectly spelled “metriam” in GB 4839-2009 Chinese common names for pesticides. The name “metiram-zinc” has been used in the literature, but it has no official approval. The name “polyram” was rejected as an ISO common name for this substance and was later registered as a trademark. |
Structure: | |
Pronunciation: | mě-tī-rǎm Guide to British pronunciation |
InChIKey: | |
InChI: |
A data sheet from the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names