
Chinese: 赛藜芦French: sabadilla (n.f.)Russian: сабадилла

Approval: ISO common name not required
IUPAC name:
CAS name:
CAS Reg. No.: 8051-02-3
Activity: insecticides (alkaloid)
Notes: This extract of the plant Schoenocaulon officinale A. Gray (Liliaceae) is considered by the International Organization for Standardization not to require a common name.
The name “cevadilla” has been used in the literature, but it has no official approval.
The insecticidal component of sabadilla seeds is called veratrine, which consists of a c. 2:1 mixture of ceveratrum alkaloids cevadine [62-59-9] and veratridine [71-62-5], together with minor components.
Pronunciation: sǎ-ba-dǐl-a  Guide to British pronunciation

A data sheet from the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names