
French: guazatine (n.f.)Russian: гуазатин

Approval: ISO
IUPAC PIN: reaction mixture containing N,N‴-(iminodi-8,1-octanediyl)bis[guanidine] and numerous other guanidines and polyamines, resulting from the amidination of technical N1-(6-aminooctyl)-1,6-octanediamine
IUPAC name: reaction mixture containing 1,1′-(iminodioctamethylene)diguanidine and numerous other guanidines and polyamines, resulting from the amidination of technical iminodi(octamethylene)diamine
CAS name: guazatine
CAS Reg. No.: 108173-90-6
Formula: C18H41N7
Activity: bird repellents
fungicides (guanidine)
Notes: Derivatives include guazatine acetates [115044-19-4].
The name “guanoctine” was formerly approved by the British Standards Institution.
Originally defined as 1,1'-iminodi(octamethylene)diguanidine. It was subsequently found that this material was a reaction mixture, produced by the amidination of technical iminodi(octamethylene)diamine. Guazatine contains numerous guanidines and polyamines. The ISO common name iminoctadine [13516-27-3] has since been given to the pure compound.
Pronunciation: gwar-za-tēn  Guide to British pronunciation

A data sheet from the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names